Information and training sessions for Candidates

Find resources, training and information sessions for candidates.

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Permissions and copyright

Taking images from Council’s website and social media and reusing them as your own, even if you credit Council could be a breach of copyright. Council does not give permission for any of its images to be used. This is even more important if you are a candidate and using Council images during the election period as you may breach the Local Government Act 2020. 

Councillors provide an invaluable link between the community and Council. Along with representing their ward and advocating on a wide range of issues, they set the City's strategic direction, establish and guide policies, set service delivery standards, and monitor performance.

Councillors elected in the Council election on 26 October 2024 will play a part in determining the future of Glen Eira. If you are passionate about the Glen Eira community and want to contribute to its future, consider running as a candidate.


Information sessions for prospective candidates

Glen Eira City Council information sessions

We hosted a series of information sessions for prospective candidates to understand the role and responsibility of a Councillor and council and to provide information about the projects and services provided by Council in Glen Eira.

View the presentation from the information sessions on Sunday 2 and Monday 3 June.
Glen Eira City Council | 2024 election candidate briefing [PDF 6.8Mb]

Want to read more about the work Council does through its various strategies and plans, visit our Strategies and plans.

Watch the presentation from the online information session on Monday 8 July.

  • Glen Eira City Council | 2024 election candidate briefing | Note: captions are auto-genertated

Victorian Local Governance Association’s Local Women Leading Change information sessions

Are you a female resident passionate about making a positive contribution to your community? Make a stand and run for Council in the upcoming 2024 local government election.

Attend the Victorian Local Governance Association’s Local Women Leading Change online information sessions to learn more about the role of Councillor and explore how you can deliver positive outcomes for your community.

The three sessions will cover a range of information including life as a Councillor and safety and self-care in public office. Participants will also learn about the importance of understanding the needs and issues in their community, the priorities of rate payers, and how to get out the women’s vote for their campaign.

The sessions are for women aged 18+ and registrations are required.

Session one: Life as a woman Councillor
Monday 12 August, 6.30pm–8.30pm

Session two: Gender-based campaigning — canvassing for votes as a woman
Monday 19 August, 6.30pm–8.30pm

Session three: Safety and selfcare for women in public office
Monday 26 August, 6.30pm–8.30pm

MAV information sessions

MAV are hosting a range of information sessions providing important information regarding the 2024 council elections, the role of council and the responsibilities of being a Councillor.  

A range of hybrid (in-person and online) sessions will be delivered across Victoria between May and August 2024. They will include CEO panels from respective CEOs from the region where prospective candidates can learn more and ask questions directly of their Council.  

Prospective candidates can attend any of the information sessions and registrations are required. The session nearest to Glen Eira is:  

When: Wednesday 31 July, 6.30pm–8.30pm 
Location: Hosted by Port Phillip City Council, St Kilda Townhall — Auditorium, 99A Carlisle Street, St Kilda 

For more information and to register, visit the MAV's Community and Candidate information session.

LGBTIQA+ Stand for Council Candidate information session

This free session will feature a keynote address by Rodney Croome AM, a distinguished advocate for LGBTIQA+ rights, and a panel discussion with former Councillors Steph Amir and Jan Farrell. This will be an excellent opportunity to hear from experienced community members and connect with potential candidates.

Increased inclusivity and enhanced representation within our councils helps build safer and stronger communities.

When: Monday, August 19,  5.45pm–8.15pm
Location: Victorian Pride Centre, 79/81 Fitzroy St, St Kilda

For more information and to register, visit the MAV's LGBTIQA+ Stand for Council Candidate information session.

Why Stand?

The MAV has put together some videos of councillors telling us about their experience as a councillor.

  • Why Stand? Cr Claudia Nguyen

  • Why Stand? Cr Rohan Leppert

Computer count

The VEC has prepared a video that details the VEC’s computer counting process.

This video is designed to provide candidates and scrutineers with the information that they need in order to understand and participate in the computer count process.

You can find the video here:

Questions and answers for potential candidates

Anyone thinking of running for Council is welcome to contact us with queries or requests for information. Queries should be directed in writing to 

Questions posed and the answers provided will be posted here as they may assist other people. Personal details will not be recorded on this web page.

We will not include any information on this page containing electoral material prohibited under the Local Government Act 2020.

You can find our Community Satisfaction Survey Report which provides results and recommendations Council.

Council Elections

When are Council elections being held?

State-wide council elections are held every four years in October.  

The upcoming Council election day is 26 October 2024. 

How are the elections being conducted?

The election will be held by postal vote. Postal ballots will be forwarded to voters by the Victorian Electoral Commission in early October. 

Votes can be posted anytime up until 6pm on Friday 25 October 2024 and must be received by the VEC by 12 noon on Friday 1 November 2024. 

Will all Councillors be required to stand for re-election?

Any Councillor who wishes to stand for re-election will need to nominate as a candidate with the VEC and complete mandatory candidate training, just like any other candidate.  

Can eligible voters cast a vote for all nine Councillors or only the Councillor in their respective Ward?

Eligible voters can only vote for candidates in their ward.  

The preferential system of voting is used and voters number each box on their ballot paper in the order of their choice. For more information about the wards and structure of each ward, visit our Council elections page.

Is the allowance paid to Councillors considered taxable income?

Councillor allowances are taxable.

Further information about Councillor allowances can be found at the Victorian's Govements Allowances for Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors page.

Who is Council’s election manager?

The Victorian Electoral Commission will be managing this election.   

The Glen Eira Election office is at Princes Park — DC Bricker Pavilion Function Room, Beech Street Caulfield South. The Office will open in September 2024. 

Where can I find more information about the election?

There is a range of information on this webpage.

The Victorian Election Commission (VEC) website also includes a range of up-to-date and relevant information for candidates, which can be found on the VEC's Become a local council candidate page.

The VEC has also published a handbook for candidates, which can be found on the VEC's Local council candidate resources page.


Is candidate training mandatory?

Yes. Under in the requirements of the Local Government Act 2020, all persons wishing to stand for the 2024 Council election must complete mandatory candidate training to be eligible to nominate.  

This includes all serving or former councillors intending to nominate.  

How do I access candidate training?

Mandatory candidate training is organised and provided by Local Government Victoria.

The training module can be found on Local Government Victoria's Candidate Training page. 

Note: This candidate training is being reviewed and updated ahead of the 2024 council elections. 

While the training can still be accessed and completed now, it is recommended that you complete the training following the update which will be completed by mid-June 2024. 

What is the purpose of candidate training?

The purpose of the mandatory candidate training is to ensure that candidates fully understand the role of a councillor and the requirements of the roll.  

The training is not intended to be a hurdle to nomination. It is free and is estimated to take around an hour to complete.  

How will I know that I have completed candidate training?

Mandatory candidate training is taken to be complete only after the candidate has:

  • finished the training module and arrived at a screen that allows the printing of the completion certificate; and
  • received an email advising that the training is complete.

I am experiencing difficulty accessing or completing the candidate training

Council will provide reasonable assistance to all persons wishing to nominate for the election.  

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing or completing the training module, contact  

Glen Eira City Council 

What are the ward boundaries for the 2024 election?

A new electoral structure and new ward boundaries will take effect from the October 2024 local government election. 

The Victorian Government’s electoral changes moved Glen Eira City Council from the existing three wards, each represented by three Councillors, to nine wards, each represented by a single Councillor. 

The nine new wards — instead of being divided from existing wards — will be divided along main roads and suburb boundaries. The wards are named Bambra, Booran, Caulfield Park, Jasper, Mallanbool, Moorleigh, Murrumbeena, Orrong and Wattle Grove. 

For more information about the new wards, visit our ward boundaries map.

For more information about the ward boundary reviews, visit the Local Government's Electoral structure and ward boundary reviews website.

Other resources

The following resources are available to assist candidates in nominating for the election: