Recycling bin (yellow lid)

Your yellow recycling bin is collected every second week.

Your yellow bin is for recyclable packaging including glass, metal, paper and some plastics. Make sure to empty containers of any food or liquid. If any substantial residue is stuck on a container, give it a quick rinse. Plastic bottles can be crushed. Reattach any lids to jars or bottles before putting them into the yellow bin. Loose lids go in the red bin.

✔ Yes ✖ No
Office paper and cardboard (not shredded paper) ✖ Aerosol cans
Newspapers and magazines Plastic bags and other soft plastics (anything that is plastic and can be scrunched into a ball eg. bread bags, cling film, pasta bags) 
Clean pizza boxes Polystyrene
✔ Fresh milk or juice cartons (not Tetra Pak)  Ceramics 
Empty plastic takeaway food containers Batteries
Plastic bottles (empty, lids reattached) Plastic cutlery
Detergent bottles (empty, lids reattached) Garden waste
Empty plastic tubs (eg. yoghurt tubs, ice cream containers) Food waste 
Plastic meat trays Clothes or fabric
Plastic plant pots (less than 10cm in diameter) Chemicals Hazardous waste
✔ Plastic fruit punnets and biscuit trays Light globes 
✔ Aluminium trays and foil (clean and scrunched)  Electronics
✔ Aluminium and steel cans  Gas cylinders or canisters
Glass jars and bottles  Shredded paper or newspaper
Envelopes (including with plastic windows) ✖ Tetra Pak (long life milk) cartons