Reconsider my parking infringement

Council is reconsidering parking infringements that were unsuccessfully reviewed between 1 July 2006 and 17 November 2016.

Before completing the form below, you will need:

  • Approximate year of infringement.
  • Registration of the vehicle the infringement was issued to (eg. ABC123).
  • Your address when the review was submitted.

We will be able to match all infringements on vehicle registrations, name and address at the time of appeal.

Your details


The personal information on this form is being collected to enable us to communicate with you and to administer your application for a refund. If you are eligible for a refund, your name, address and vehicle registration will be disclosed to Australia Post to facilitate payment of a refund via Australia Post’s payment facility called Cash Disbursement Solution. For more information on how Council collects, uses and discloses personal information, see Glen Eira Privacy Policy