2024 Local Government Election:

The local government election period is from Tuesday 17 September, 12pm until Saturday 26 October 2024, 6pm. For more information, visit our Election page.

Published on 22 March 2024

Notice of intention to declare a special rate for Carnegie Shopping Centre

Council has resolved to give notice of its proposed declaration in response to a request from the Association to introduce a new special rate for the Centre when the current special rate expires on 30 June 2024.

Pursuant to sections 155(e), 163, 163A, 163B and 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 (Act) and in accordance with a resolution of Glen Eira City Council (Council) made at its Ordinary Council meeting held on Tuesday 19 March 2024, notice is given that at the Ordinary Council meeting to be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 13 June 2024 in Glen Eira Town Hall — Council Chamber, corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfi eld, it is the intention of Council, subject to due consideration of any submissions and objections, to declare a special rate under section 163(1) of the Act for the Centre, for the purpose of defraying any expenses to be incurred by Council in providing funds to the incorporated body known and operating as Carnegie Mainstreet Association (Association) for promotional, decoration, marketing, business development and other incidental expenses associated with the encouragement of economic activity in the Centre.

Council has resolved to give notice of its proposed declaration in response to a request from the Association to introduce a new special rate for the Centre when the current special rate expires on 30 June 2024.

The area within the municipal district of Council for which the special rate is declared (the area) is all land within the area primarily used for commercial or industrial purposes or obviously adapted to or designed for being primarily used for commercial or industrial purposes, as highlighted in the plan attached to this notice.

Council considers that each rateable property and each business included in the area that is required to pay the special rate will receive a special benefit because the viability of the Centre as a commercial or industrial area will be enhanced through increased economic activity.


Special Rate Area for Carnegie
Carnegie Special Rate Boundary

The total amount of the performance of the function and the exercise of the power by Council (in relation to activities associated with the encouragement of economic activity in the area), and also the total amount of the special rate to be levied by Council is referable to an amount of:

  1. $240,000 in the first year; and
  2. in each successive financial year, the total amount in the immediately preceding 12- month period increased by the Consumer Price Index (All Groups, Melbourne Index Number) rate provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics for the 12-month period as at the March quarter.

The special rate will be levied by sending a notice of levy in the prescribed form to the person who is liable to pay the special rate, which will require that the special rate must be paid by four instalments, to be paid by the dates which are fixed by Council in the notice.

The special rate remains in force for the period 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2031.

The proposed declaration will expire if the special rate is not levied to each person liable to pay it within 12 months after the day on which the proposed declaration is made.

A copy of the proposed declaration is available for inspection, and may be obtained during office hours at Glen Eira Town Hall, corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield, for at least 28 days after the publication of this notice, being until Friday 19 April 2024. A copy of the proposed declaration is also available on Council’s website at www.gleneira.vic.gov.au. A copy of this public notice will be sent to each person liable to pay the special rate.

Any person may make a submission under section 223 of the Act in relation to the proposed declaration. Any person who has made a written submission to Council and has requested to be heard in support of their written submission is entitled to appear in person or to be represented by a person specifi ed in the submission at a meeting of Council to be held in Glen Eira Town Hall — Council Chamber, corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield.

A person required to pay the special rate imposed by the proposed declaration is entitled to exercise a right to object to the proposed declaration. A person who is an occupier is entitled to exercise a right of objection to the proposed declaration, if that person submits documentary evidence with their objection which shows that it is a condition of the lease under which the person is an occupier that the occupier is to pay the special rate.

Submissions and objections regarding the proposed declaration must be made in writing not later than 5pm on Friday 19 April 2024, and should be marked ‘Proposed special rate for Carnegie Shopping Centre Submission’ and addressed to the Economic Development Programs and Business Support Officer, and can either be lodged at Glen Eira Town Hall — Service Centre, corner of Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield, or mailed to PO Box 42, Caulfield South 3162, or submitted via email to mail@gleneira.vic.gov.au 

Submitters who have requested in their submission that they wish to be heard in support of their submission, or who have nominated a representative in their submission, will be notified in writing of the date, time and location of the Council meeting.

Council will consider any written submissions relating to the proposed declaration and take into account any objections in accordance with sections 163A, 163B and 223 of the Act.

All submissions and objections will be handled as authorised or required by law, including under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. Submitters should note that all submissions received (including any personal information contained therein) may be included within the official Council Agenda and Minutes which are permanent public documents available on Council’s website. If you do not wish to be identified in the Agendas and Minutes, please indicate this in your submission.

Any person requiring further information concerning the proposed declaration should, in the first instance, contact Council on 9524 3333.

Rebecca McKenzie
Chief Executive Officer


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