Published on 03 September 2020

Public Notice: Making of the Classified Tree Local Law

Notice is given under section 119(3) of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) that, at its Council meeting on 1 September 2020, Glen Eira City Council (Council) resolved to make the Glen Eira City Council Classified Tree Local Law (the Local Law).

The objectives of the Local Law are:

(a) to provide for the registration of Classified Trees within the Municipal District; and

(b) to create offences and other enforcement measures to protect Classified Trees and trees required to be planted in satisfaction of a condition of a Permit or a direction in a Notice to Comply on private land within the Municipal District.

The general purpose of the Local Law is to regulate applications for and the granting of Permits, conditions of Permits, payment of fees and other relevant matters; establish penalties for offences and provide for enforcement proceedings; empower Council to recover costs of enforcement; empower authorised Council officers to issue an infringement notice, a Notice to Comply and a direction in relation to matters under the Local Law; empower authorised Council officers to enter private land for the purpose of inspecting trees; empower authorised Council officers to make an interim protection order in relation to nominated trees; provide for offences by corporations; provide for the internal review of certain decisions in relation to the issuing of Permits; require a person to obtain a Permit from Council in relation to removal, pruning, damaging, killing or destroying a Classified Tree and a tree required to be planted in satisfaction of a condition of a Permit or a direction in a Notice to Comply on private land and require a person to obtain a Permit from Council to carry out works within the Tree Protection Zone of a Classified Tree and a tree required to be planted in satisfaction of a condition of a Permit or a direction in a Notice to Comply on private land; prohibit the following matters: obtaining a Permit by false representations; failing to produce a Permit; failing to comply with Permit conditions; failing to obtain a Permit; failing to comply with a Notice to Comply; and failing to comply with a direction from an authorised Council officer.

The Local Law comes into operation on 3 September 2020. A copy of the Local Law may be inspected by appointment, during office hours, at Glen Eira City Council office at the corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield, and on Council’s website.

Rebecca McKenzie
Chief Executive Officer