Published on 08 February 2024

Council calls for new Queens Avenue cycling corridor options

Council has asked for the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) to re-consider options for a safe cycling connection between Glen Huntly and Caulfield stations.

Council welcomed feedback from close to 1,000 community members regarding the Level Crossing Removal Project’s (LXRP) two options for a cycling corridor along Queens Avenue, Caulfield.

Rather than support one of the two options put forward by the LXRP, Council decided at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 6 February 2024, to advocate for improvements to the options or an alternate route.

“While we strongly support exploring new opportunities for strategic cycling infrastructure, any solutions must be well designed and balance the needs of the community and the local environment. This includes the protection and retention of trees as well as residential amenity, in line with Council’s Urban Forest Strategy”, Mayor Cr Anne-Marie Cade said.

Writing to the Victorian Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Cr Cade asked that the LXRP come back to the table and works with Council and the community to achieve an outcome that balances safe cycling, residential amenity and the retention of trees. 

Council acknowledges that any option will involve compromise and is urging either changes to the original options or an alternate route along Derby Road and/or Leamington Crescent, which were previously discounted.

Council welcomes any opportunity to work alongside the LXRP in undertaking this work in the best interests of residents, cyclists and the wider community.

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