2024 Local Government Election:

The local government election period is from Tuesday 17 September, 12pm until Saturday 26 October 2024, 6pm. For more information, visit our Election page.

Victoria's single-use plastics ban

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Single-use plastics included in the ban

From Wednesday 1 February 2023, these select single-use plastic items are banned across Victoria:  

  • cutlery
  • drink stirrers
  • plates
  • drinking straws*
  • cotton bud sticks
  • expanded polystyrene food and drink containers.

*Single-use plastic straws can continue to be used by people who need one due to disability or medical needs. The State Government has advised these are available upon request at select Australia Post stores and National Pharmacies. We recommend checking availability with individual stores. 

Any of these items made of plastic, including biodegradable plastics, bioplastics and compostable plastics, are banned from sale or supply.

You’ll see more reusable items or plastic-free alternatives instead!

People who need single-use plastic drinking straws due to a disability or medical needs are still able to purchase and use these items.

For more information about the ban, visit the Victorian Government’s website here.

Help for businesses

The Victorian Government and National Retail Association are providing business support for the ban. If you have any questions about the ban or would like further information:

We’re here to help. See Council’s information for businesses here. Contact us on 9524 3333 or email sustainablebusiness@gleneira.vic.gov.au

Sustainable swaps for banned items

Avoid waste by using reusable items. When that’s not possible, look for plastic-free alternatives.


Reusable alternatives (best option)

Plastic-free alternatives

Single-use plastic cutlery and drink stirrers

  • Metal cutlery
  • Reusable bamboo cutlery
  • Silicone or reusable plastic cutlery
  • Use a spoon instead of a stirrer


Uncoated paper, wood or bamboo cutlery are plastic-free disposable alternatives.

Single-use plastic plates (made entirely of plastic*)


*Disposable plates that have a plastic coating are being phased out and are not banned until November 2024.

  • Ceramic plates
  • Metal plates
  • Bamboo reusable plates
  • Reusable plates (eg. ceramic, metal, bamboo, reusable plastic)
  • Plastic reusable plates

Disposable paper, bamboo or sugarcane pulp plates are alternatives with less or no plastic.


Napkins can sometimes be used instead of plates.



Food and drink containers made from expanded polystyrene foam

  • Reusable cups
  • Reusable containers or plates 



Paper, bamboo or sugarcane pulp containers are examples of plastic-free alternatives.


Plastic cups and containers that are not expanded polystyrene are still allowed.


Single-use plastic cotton bud sticks

  • Reusable plastic sticks with replaceable buds are available

Many brands have already switched to cotton bud sticks made from paper, wood or bamboo.


What is Council doing to reduce single-use plastics in Glen Eira?

Glen Eira’s Single-Use Plastic Free Policy

Council has adopted a Single-use Plastic Free Policy. The Policy commits to reducing and eliminating single-use plastic items across Council facilities, events run by Council and events held on Council owned land.

Single-use plastics will be replaced with reusable or plastic free options. The Policy will help Glen Eira transition to a circular economy, reduce waste and protect our local environment from plastic pollution.


Glen Eira’s first Circular Economy Plan

Under the Glen Eira Circular Economy Plan 2022-2026, Council will lead by example and support our community move to a circular economy.

In an ideal circular economy, nothing goes to waste — the materials we use in products would all be reused in a continuous loop, rather than becoming waste in landfill.

This Plan guides how we can play our part, support our community and create a more sustainable Glen Eira.


Where can I find information about what items and materials are banned?

For more information about the ban and the specific items and materials included, visit the Victorian Government’s website here or view the Single-use plastics ban Factsheet.



What about compostable or biodegradable plastic items?

Compostable plastics, such as biodegradable plastics, degradable plastics, renewable plastics, and bioplastics are included in the ban. This includes plastic items with composting certifications. Biodegradable or compostable plastic items can still harm wildlife the same way conventional plastic items do, if they are littered.

If an item looks or feels like plastic, but claims to be made from PLA, corn, sugarcane, wheat or any other ‘natural’ source it may still be a plastic.

How is the ban being enforced?

Council is helping inform Glen Eira businesses and our community about the ban and supporting everyone to make sustainable swaps. You can let us know if you believe a business is not aware of the ban and we will follow up.

Enforcement and compliance activities will be the responsibility of Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA).

The Victorian Government will first work with businesses to ensure they understand their obligations, however penalties apply for non-compliance.

Non-compliance can be reported to the EPA.

Helpful resources