We operate a central registration system for two years of funded kindergarten for three-year-old and four-year-old children at 14 community-based kindergartens in Glen Eira.
Kindergarten programs are delivered in both long day care and standalone services.
You can choose what works best for your family and child — the kindergarten programs share the same learning outcomes. All funded kindergarten programs in Victoria are led by a qualified early childhood teacher and offer a play-based learning program based on the same government guidelines. You have the option of using privately managed children's services, early learning centres and schools.
Participating Community-based kindergartens
* The lease for Glen Murrumbeena Kindergarten is set to expire at the end of 2025. Glen Education will continue to oversee operations in 2025, providing 15 hours a week of three-year-old and four-year-old kindergarten programs. Glen Education are actively working towards continuing a kindergarten program in Murrumbeena for 2026 and beyond, however Glen Education are unable to confirm whether the kindergarten programs will extend beyond 2025 at this stage.
When should my child attend kindergarten?
Families with children born between 1 January and 30 April need to make an informed decision about which year they would like their child to commence school and therefore which year their child will attend a kindergarten program.
If you are unsure which year your child should attend kindergarten, talk to your local kindergarten educator, an educator in a long daycare centre or your Maternal and Child Health nurse.
Three-year-old kindergarten
To be eligible to attend three-year-old kindergarten, your child must turn three by 30 April in the year they attend kindergarten.
Children accessing three-year-old kindergarten will transition to four-year-old kindergarten the following year. No children will be eligible for a second year of funded 3-year-old kindergarten. If children need a third year of kindergarten and meet the criteria, they will do this at the end of the 4-year-old kindergarten year, prior to the transition to school.
To register your child for three-year-old kindergarten at one of the 14 Community-based kindergartens complete an online application.
Four-year-old kindergarten
To be eligible to attend four-year-old kindergarten, your child must turn four years of age by 30 April in the year they attend kindergarten.
From 2026, eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and vulnerable children will be able to access between 16 and 30 hours per week of funded four-year-old kindergarten. Vulnerable children includes children from a refugee or asylum seeker background and a child who has had contact with Child Protection services.
To register your child for four-year-old kindergarten at one of the 14 Community-based kindergartens listed below complete an online application
Refer to the table below to guide as to which year your child should attend.
Before you register your child
We encourage your child to complete their Key Ages and Stages visits at a Maternal and Child Health Centre.
Your child must be vaccinated, and their immunisations recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register. To find out more visit Immunising your child.
When to register your child
Date of birth | Registrations open from 1 May | Attend three-year-old Kindergarten | Attend four-year-old Kindergarten |
1 May 2020 to 30 April 2021 | Open | 2025 complete online form | |
1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022 | Open | 2025 complete online form | 2026 complete online form |
1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023 | Open 1 May 2025 | 2027 |
A separate registration needs to be completed for each child.
If you are unsure if you have previously registered contact us on 03 9524 3333.
How we make offers
Glen Eira City Council Central Registration Scheme administers the allocation of funded kindergarten places on behalf of 14 participating community-based services.
The offer process will commence in June of the year before your child attends kindergarten.
Allocations are made in accordance with the Kindergarten Central Registration Scheme Policy Kindergarten Central Registration Scheme Policy. If the priority of access is based on the criteria of “live, work or study in Glen Eira”, you may be required to provide evidence.
Where there are more registrations than places available Glen Eira City Council will maintain a waitlist. Families who are offered a place will receive communication from the relevant kindergarten regarding the timetable, group allocations and the enrolment process. Glen Eira Council does not determine which group your child will be allocated to once offered a place. Timetables and scheduling are managed by the participating kindergarten.
Families should note that registration does not guarantee a three- or four-year-old placement due to increasing demand for kindergarten services.
We follow the Department of Education and Training Priority of Access Criteria and give preference to children who:
Priority of access criteria first year (three-year-old kindergarten)
These criteria must be used when prioritising first year (three-year-old) registrations:
- The child’s situation:
- Child at risk of abuse or neglect, including children in Out-of-Home Care
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children
- Asylum seeker and refugee children
- Children eligible for Kindergarten Fee Subsidy
- Children with additional needs, defined as children who:
- Require additional assistance in order to fully participate in the kindergarten program
- Require a combination of services which are individually planned
- Have identified specific disability of developmental delay
- A child/ren of a resident of Glen Eira
- A child/ren of those who work or study in Glen Eira
- Date application is received by Council
- Any other child
Priority of access criteria second year (four-year-old kindergarten)
These criteria must be used when prioritising second year (four-year-old) registrations:
- Children who are approved for a second year of funded four-year-old kindergarten
- The child’s situation:
- Children at risk of abuse or neglect, including children in Out-of-Home Care
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children
- Asylum seeker and refugee children
- Children eligible for Kindergarten FeeSubsidy
- Children with additional needs, defined as children who
- Require additional assistance in order to fully participate in the kindergarten program
- Require a combination of services which are individually planned
- Have identified specific disability or developmental delay
- A current three-year-old child registering for a place in a four-year-old program at the same service who lives in Glen Eira
- A child/ren of a resident of Glen Eira
- Date application is received by Council
- A current three-year-old child registering for a place in a four-year old program at the same service, whose parent/carer works or studies in Glen Eira
- A current three-year-old child registering for a place in a four-year old program at the same service, whose parent/carer does not live, work or study in Glen Eira
- A child/ren of those who work or study in Glen Eira
- Any other child.
How much does it cost?
At participating services up to 15 hours of kinder is now free at sessional (standalone) kindergartens and a fee offset is available in long day care services.
Contact services individually for more information.
Are there places available?
To find out if there are places available, contact us on 03 9524 3333
Contact the kindergartens directly for a tour.
About kindergarten
Kindergarten is an important part of your child's development. To find out how to choose the right education and care options for your family, visit:
- Learning and development support and services for all Victorians — Department of Education and Training, Victoria
- Kindergarten information for families — Victorian Government
- Find A Kinder Program — Department of Education and Training, Victoria
- Starting Blocks — Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)
Apply or change your enrolment
Apply now using the button below. Or use the Change of Enrolment button to change your contact details, kindergarten preferences, or cancel your enrolment.
If you change your kindergarten preference without a change of address, we will take the date you changed your preference as the date of registration.