Ask a question at our next Council meeting

We’re a democratic, representative body that welcomes your participation and bona fide questioning of our activities and decision-making.

As a member of the public, you can ask us questions at our Ordinary Council meetings any time by submitting your question no later than 12 noon on the business day before the meeting. Our Public Participation Policy. details the requirements for public questions.

These should be read before submitting a public question to an Ordinary meeting.

Options for submitting a public question to an Ordinary meeting:

  • online (complete form below)
  • email 
  • letter (personal delivery to Glen Eira City Council – Glen Eira and Hawthorn Road, Caulfield)
  • mail to Glen Eira City Council – Public Question – PO Box 42 Caulfield South VIC 3162.

You may also ask questions or make a statement during Public Participation at Ordinary Meetings of Council (these will not be included in the minutes of the meeting). Read the Public Participation Policy. This will remain in place unless COVID-19 restrictions require changes to be implemented. Refer to the agenda page for further information.

Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.


The personal information requested on this form is required under the Glen Eira City Council – Council Governance Rules (Governance Rules) and the Council guidelines ‘Written Public Questions to Council’ (Guidelines).

If you do not provide the personal information your question will not meet the requirements of the Governance Rules or Guidelines and Council will not consider it or answer it as a public question.

Public questions, by their nature, are a public and transparent means of making enquiries of Council. Council is obliged under the Local Government Act 2020 (Vic) to prepare public minutes of each Council meeting which accurately reflect the business and proceedings of each meeting. Additionally the Guidelines require public questions which are read at a meeting, and the answers given, to be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

You may access personal information Council holds about you. Enquiries in the first instance should be directed to Council’s privacy officer at