2024 Local Government Election:

The local government election period is from Tuesday 17 September, 12pm until Saturday 26 October 2024, 6pm. For more information, visit our Election page.

Planning for Play

We Asked — You Said — We Did is our way of showing how your feedback contributes to our decisions. Check out how you helped develop our Planning for Play — a guide to creating quality playgrounds in Glen Eira.

We asked

Benefits of the creation of play spaces in public open spaces include: 

  • Providing opportunities for social interactions within the community
  • Enhancing liveability and neighbourhood character
  • Encouraging physical activity and promoting community health and wellbeing.

We called on Glen Eira residents, playground users, supervisors and all lovers of play to help set the future direction for play spaces in Glen Eira and guide the development of Planning for Play.

We asked:

  • Why local playgrounds were used or why they weren't?
  • What were users favourite play features?
  • Why did users visit playgrounds in Glen Eira and which were their favourites?
  • What supporting features were required to enhance their visits to playgrounds?

You said

We received feedback from:

  • Drawings, which demonstrated how children liked to play and what they wanted to see in playgrounds to support their play opportunities moving forward.
  • Written submissions and verbal feedback about the playground elements that children liked most.
  • Written submissions and verbal feedback about what encouraged people to visit playgrounds.
  • Also from observing how children and their supervisors played at our playgrounds.

We did

We considered feedback in the development of Planning for Play. It also features drawings and quotes captured through engagement activities. Planning for Play provides extensive information on the benefits of play, as well as our priorities and design considerations for new or upgraded playgrounds.