CR Pennicuik was elected to Council by Victorian Electoral Commission countback to fill an extraordinary vacancy and was sworn in on 3 May 2022.
Cr Sue Pennicuik
She was a state MP for the upper house Southern Metropolitan Region for 12 years and held various portfolios, including Arts, Education, Employment, Justice, Consumer Affairs, Sport, Tourism, LGBTIQA+ and Animal Welfare. Before entering parliament, Cr Pennicuik worked in a variety of fields, including education and training, retail, hospitality, fitness and occupational health and safety. Cr Pennicuik has Bachelors of Arts and Applied Science, a Diploma of Education, and a Masters in Environmental Science.
Cr Pennicuik’s priorities for Council include working with the community on climate change and circular economy; preserving our neighbourhoods and heritage; increasing public open space, our tree canopy and biodiversity; and continuing to provide quality services for people of all ages, needs and abilities.